Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This page provides help with the most common questions about The Tyger River Foundation.
When can I visit?
The Tyger River Foundation has four sites open to the public seven days a week, 365 days a year. Visitors are welcome from sunrise to sunset. Learn more about our sites by visiting our pages for Beech Springs Landing, Cooley Family Landing, Nesbitt Shoals Nature Park, and Tygerberry Landing.
Is camping allowed?
Camping and campfires are not allowed on any Tyger River Foundation properties. All properties close at sunset.
How much is it to visit or fish? Does the Foundation sell fishing licenses?
There is no cost of admission to any of our open sites. There is also no charge to fish, though anglers ages 16 and older must have a current fishing license from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. The Tyger River Foundation does not provide fishing licenses. Hunting is not allowed on any Tyger River Foundation property.
What kind of boat can I bring and is it free?
Our put-in and take-out locations are for paddling only. Motorized crafts are not allowed at Tyger River Foundation sites.
Berrys Pond is accessible at Tygerberry Landing and is an SJWD Water District lake. Visit the SJWD Administrative Office at 307 Spartanburg Highway, Wellford SC or call 864-439-4423 for more information.
Can I bring my dog?
The Tyger River Foundation is a dog friendly group. Pets must be kept on leash and owners must clean up after their pets.
Given our properties' proximity to waterways, it is essential that animal wastes are collected and disposed of properly. The health of our rivers depends on it.
Are there restroom or trash facilities?
There are no restrooms at our properties. Please plan accordingly.
We follow the "leave no trace" philosophy. There are no trash cans. Pack it in - pack it out.
When will Anderson Mill be open?
We're currently working with a landscape design group on a working plan to improve the property's grounds and open it to the public.
The mill itself requires additional engineering and we're seeking out some replacement parts with the goal of restoring it to a fully functional mill.
Our current goal for reopening the grounds is 2025. The mill itself may take some additional time to complete.
We'll provide updates on our email list. Sign up to receive updates!
How can I get involved?
The Tyger River Foundation has regular volunteer opportunities at Nesbitt Shoals and Tygerberry Landing.
You can also join the Facebook groups Friends of Tygerberry Landing and Friends of Nesbitt Shoals to keep in touch with folks who enjoy these two properties. We love to see members' photos, stories and observations there. We keep our Facebook page updated regularly as well.
Reach out to us! Email info@tygerriver.org or call 864-586-6600 to speak with a staff member about how to connect and join our growing community.